
Understanding Caveats on Property in Australia

Caveats protect interests in property ownership. It acts as a “freeze” on the property and serves as a warning to the public that someone, other than the registered owner, has interest in the land. We’ll take a closer look at what putting a caveat on a property means and why it’s crucial for safeguarding your property rights in Australia — especially in NSW.

What is a Caveat?

A caveat is a formal notice lodged with the Land Titles Office, warning others that someone has a legal interest in a property. 

Once registered, it prevents any dealings, such as the sale or transfer of the property, without notifying the caveator. Essentially, a caveat on a house or land ensures your claim is legally recognised and protected. It offers peace of mind during disputes or financial transactions.

How Does a Caveat on Property Work?

When a caveat is lodged, it places a “stop” on the property’s dealings. This legal mechanism:

  • Alerts third parties of your interest.
  • Safeguards your claim until it’s resolved or withdrawn.
  • Requires the caveator to justify their legal interest, making it crucial to act within the bounds of the law.

In NSW, the Real Property Act 1900 governs caveats, ensuring a balance between protecting property rights and preventing misuse.

The Different Types of Caveat on Property

Caveats can serve different purposes. In turn, each type of caveat has its own applications, implications, and legal requirements. Lodging the wrong type or filing one without valid grounds can lead to penalties and legal challenges.

Consult with an experienced property lawyer to determine the right type of caveat for your situation and to navigate the legal process effectively.

Caveats for:

  • Financial Interests: Lodged by creditors or lenders who have a financial claim against the property. Common scenarios include securing a debt, settling unpaid invoices or liens, or as guarantee or mortgage.
  • Ownership Disputes: Lodged when there’s a disagreement over property ownership. They are often used to prevent any transactions on the property until the dispute is resolved.
  • Contractual Obligations: Protects parties with legal rights or obligations under a contract related to the property. It’s commonly used for lease agreements, joint ventures, and option agreements.
  • Other Legal Interests: Protects non-financial or non-ownership interests, such as easements or access rights and restrictive covenants.

Who Can Lodge a Caveat?

Not everyone can lodge a caveat. To do so, you must have a legitimate legal interest in the property. Eligible parties include property owners, creditors, and legal claimants. 

Do note that filing a caveat without valid grounds can result in legal penalties, so always consult a lawyer first.

“Caveatable interests” that have been established through case law are:

  • Contracts for the sale of land
  • Options to purchase the land
  • Mortgagee or equitable mortgagee
  • Charges over the land
  • Benefits of an easement
  • Leases over the land
  • Unregistered interests

There are also interests that are not “caveatable interests,” but are commonly mistaken to be so:

  • A debt or loan that is owed that is not related to the land in question
  • Family law proceeding involving property orders

How to Put Caveat on Property in NSW

  • Step 1 – Identify a Caveatable Interest: Before lodging a caveat, it’s crucial to establish that you have a legitimate, caveatable interest in the property.
  • Step 2 – Complete a Caveat Form: Provide detailed information about the property, the owner, the person or entity lodging the caveat (the caveator), and the nature of the caveator’s claimed interest in the property.
  • Step 3 – Lodge the Caveat Form: Once completed, it must be lodged with the appropriate authority. There is usually a fee associated with lodging a caveat.
  • Step 4 – Notification: The property owner is typically notified after a caveat is lodged.

Due to the complexity of property law and the potential legal ramifications of lodging a caveat, it’s generally recommended to seek legal advice before proceeding with this action.

Stephen Wawn & Associates can guide you through this process to ensure your interests are protected.

Caveat Removal

If you’re wondering how to remove caveat on property, it can happen in several ways:

  • Lapse: A caveat may automatically become invalid after a certain period unless the caveator takes further action.
  • Withdrawal by the Caveator: The person or entity who lodged the caveat can choose to withdraw by lodging a form with the land registry to remove the caveat officially.
  • Order by a Court or Tribunal: If there is a dispute about the validity of a caveat, and if the court or tribunal determines that the caveator has no legitimate caveatable interest in the property, the order may be removed.
  • Compulsory Acquisition: There are some cases where the caveat might be removed due to a government authority’s compulsory land acquisition.

How Long Does Caveat on Property in NSW Last?

A caveat’s duration depends on the specific circumstances. Some caveats on property remain until the dispute is resolved, and others may expire after a statutory period unless extended. Timely legal action is important to maintain the protection provided by a caveat.

How Much Does It Cost to Lodge a Caveat?

The cost of lodging caveats on property reflects the administrative fees charged by the NSW Land Titles Office or any equivalent body.

The fees can range from $100 – $200.

Our team can provide you with clear, transparent pricing, so you’re fully informed from the outset.

Protect Your Property Interests with Expert Legal Advice

Navigating property law, especially when dealing with caveats, can be complex. Resources like the NSW Land Registry Services and Legal Aid NSW can offer general guidance, however legal matters involving caveats require expert advice tailored to your unique situation.

At Stephen Wawn & Associates, we provide strategic legal support to help you:

  • Lodge a caveat correctly to safeguard your rights.
  • Challenge or remove an invalid caveat efficiently.
  • Avoid costly legal disputes with proactive legal solutions.

Protect your property and financial interests. Contact us to get the right legal guidance and discuss your situation with our experienced property law team.

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