
Strata Law

Why Does Strata Law Matter for Your Business?

Strata Law governs shared property ownership and plays a crucial role in shaping your rights and responsibilities within the shared space.


Breakdown of Strata Laws

  • Strata laws apply to individuals who reside in the same unit block, including residential, commercial, mixed-use, retirement villages, and resorts
  • Although this type of management has been in practice for over fifty years, Australian legislators are still adapting to the idea
  • Split into two forms of property;
    • Common Property: A property that all owners share and a legal entity created when the strata plan becomes registered 
    • Lot Property: Refers to when an individual property owned within the entire apartment or complex 

How To Navigate The Strata Landscape?


1. Understanding Strata Rules

Strata rules are essential to owning a property within a Strata scheme. These rules ensure that all property owners within the scheme understand their responsibilities and obligations towards the shared areas and amenities. 

  • Strata rules maintain a harmonious living environment

  • They provide clear guidelines for dispute resolution

  • Familiarisation and compliance with Strata rules is important to avoid legal and financial repercussions

  • Stay updated with any changes or amendments to Strata rules to ensure compliance

2. Navigating Strata By-laws

  • These define the rights and responsibilities of unit owners and address critical issues such as pets, renovations, and noise.

  • Strata by laws are enforced by the owners’ corporation, which administers the property.

  • You must gain permission for any modifications, including minor ones like shelves or painting.

  • Failure to comply can result in penalties or legal action.

  • Understanding and abiding by the by-laws is crucial.

3. Dispute Resolution

Disagreements are common in shared spaces, particularly apartments, where delays in repairs and maintenance are frequent causes.

  • Unbiased advice in the early stages of a dispute can be constructive, particularly regarding maintenance and repair obligations.

  • Early intervention leads to a quicker resolution, preventing the dispute from escalating and causing further issues.

  • A strata lawyer can not only help you manage internal disputes within your community but can also advise on ways to prevent future disputes from arising.

  • Despite everyone’s best efforts, disputes can still sometimes escalate. In these cases, a strata lawyer can help protect your rights and provide strata legal advice from start to finish, saving you time, money and stress.

4. Compliance with Strata Regulations

  • Staying up-to-date with strata regulations is crucial for businesses. 

  • Non-compliance can lead to legal actions, fines, and harm to your reputation. 

  • Prioritising compliance means staying informed about changes. 

  • Updating policies and procedures is important to meet requirements. 

  • Training employees to meet compliance requirements is crucial – by doing so, your business can mitigate risks and set a foundation for long-term success.



1. What are the primary components of strata law?


What It’s Referring To 

Ownership Rights

Defining individual ownership of units within a strata-titled property, including common property and limited common property

Management Structures

Establishing the framework for strata corporations or owners’ corporations responsible for managing the common areas and collective interests of all owners

By-laws and Regulations

Enforcing rules and regulations that govern the behaviour of residents, use of common facilities, and maintenance responsibilities

Financial Management

Outlining procedures for budgeting, collecting fees, managing reserves, and handling financial matters related to the upkeep of the property

Dispute Resolution

Providing mechanisms for resolving conflicts among owners, tenants, and the strata corporation, often involving mediation, arbitration, or legal recourse

2. When should I seek strata legal advice?


What It’s Referring To 

Interpreting By-laws:

When unsure about the interpretation or applicability of specific strata by-laws or regulations governing your property

Dispute Resolution

If you’re involved in a dispute with other owners, the strata corporation, or a neighbouring property, legal advice can help navigate the resolution process

Enforcement Matters

When dealing with breaches of strata rules or regulations by other owners or tenants, legal guidance can clarify your options for enforcement

Alterations and Renovations

Before undertaking significant alterations or renovations to your unit or common property, consulting a strata lawyer can ensure compliance with relevant regulations and avoid potential disputes

Buying or Selling Property

Before purchasing or selling a strata-titled property, seeking legal advice can help assess potential risks, understand contractual obligations, and navigate the complexities of strata ownership

Strata Law: Your Business, Our Priority


If you need Strata legal advice or guidance on regulations, Stephen Wawn & Associates can help. Our experts can assist you with everything from commercial law to property law. Safeguard your investment and ensure business success by contacting us today.

Strata disputes

Our team can provide you advice and representation in all types of strata disputes in the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal and NSW Courts.

By-law advice, amendment and consolidation

By-laws perform an important function in the management and administration of a strata title building. Our team can provide advice to Owner’s Corporations, lot owners and strata managers on the interpretation, amendment and enforcement of by-laws.

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Owner’s Corporation advice

The law creates several duties and obligations on the Owner’s Corporation of a strata, including maintaining the common property. Our team can provide advice on the duties of the Owner’s Corporation and on enforcing by-laws.

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Strata & company title conveyancing

Our team have experience in strata conveyancing & company title conveyancing. We can ensure that your purchase or sale process is smooth, notwithstanding the additional complications that strata & company title can create.

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Let us help you!

If you need any help, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

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